Wednesday 29th January 2020
DAY 19: RCCG MISSIONS HOME AND ABROAD, TEXT: Matt. 16:18, Psa 127:1, Psa 121:4, Gen. 12:1-3. The Redeemed Christian Church of God is a fast-growing church in nations of the world. The growth was birthed by prayer and we must continue to pray for more increase and sustenance of this growth

  1. Father thank you for establishing the RCCG as a covenant church
  2. Father thank you for the expansion of the RCCG since its establishment.
  3. Father thank you for your mercies that is sufficient for RCCG.
  4. Father in the name of Jesus, keep RCCG away from slumbering and sleeping. Psa 121:4
  5. Father in the name of Jesus, build RCCG and do not permit the gate of hell to prevail over this great mission. Matt. 16:18
  6. Father in the name of Jesus, keep the fire of the altar of RCCG mission burn. Lev. 6:12-13.
  7. Father in the name of Jesus, make all members of the RCCG to be united and have and continue in one language. Gen. 11:6
  8. Father in the name of Jesus, make RCCG a great mission and make your name great in RCCG. Gen. 12:1-3
  9. Father in the name of Jesus, whatever that is dead in this mission, by the power of resurrection bring them back to life. 1Pet. 1:3, Phil. 3:10
  10. Father in the name of Jesus, as RCCG mission praise you, add to the growth of the church daily. Acts 2:47
  11. Father in the name of Jesus, terminate all the persecution against the RCCG mission all over the world. Acts 12:1:2
  12. Father in the name of Jesus, continue to release your angels to support RCCG mission. Acts 12:5
  13. Let the troublers of the RCCG be put to shame in Jesus name. 1Chro 2:7