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RCCG Fasting Prayer Points for 24 February 2019 

Day 45: Prayer For The 2019 Let’s-Go-A-Fishing

1. Praise and worship

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Let us give all the glory to God for the reality of the power of resurrection in RCCG mission. Matt. 28:1-4.

4. Let us thank God for using let’s Go A Fishing program to populate His kingdom. Acts. 2:37-47.

5. Pray for more strength for Daddy G O and all the Pastors, Ministers and workers, that 

God will use them mightily this 2019 “lets go a fishing’s”. Deut.33:25; Josh.14:11; 1Chron.29:12; Josh. 14:9.

6. Let us pray for divine visitation during all 2019 Easter and Christmas lets go a fishing all over the world. Ps.111:9; Ps.113:9-10; Gen.49:25.

7. Let us pray for unprecedented harvest of soul during this year lets go a fishing

8. Let us pray that the usual momentum that greets our lets go a fishing programme in the early days will return

9. Let us pray for committed workers, who are willing to sacrifice by giving themselves wholly for the work of the kingdom

10. Pray that the soul will be followed up, disciple and remain