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Open Heavens for Teens Tuesday 25 August 2020 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Topic: Who’s Your Counselor

Memorise: Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. – Jeremiah 17:5

BIBLE READING: 2 Chronicles 10:6-13

6 And king Rehoboam took counsel with the old men that had stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, saying, What counsel give ye me to return answer to this people?

7 And they spake unto him, saying, If thou be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them, they will be thy servants for ever.

8 But he forsook the counsel which the old men gave him, and took counsel with the young men that were brought up with him, that stood before him.

9 And he said unto them, What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people, which have spoken to me, saying, Ease somewhat the yoke that thy father did put upon us?

10 And the young men that were brought up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou answer the people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it somewhat lighter for us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins.

11 For whereas my father put a heavy yoke upon you, I will put more to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.

12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on the third day, as the king bade, saying, Come again to me on the third day.

13 And the king answered them roughly; and king Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old men,

Bible Reading In One Year: Psalms 124-127, 1 Corinthians 7:1-40


In our bible passage for today, the young king sought counsel from the old men on a matter, rather than take to their advice, he asked his friends who grew up with him for advice on the same matter ad decided to follow his friends advice. He didn’t last on the throne because the kingdom was taken from him. The people you take counsel from matter a lot because a good counsel can make you while a bad one can Mar you.

As a child of God, you should not seek counsel from those who are not children of God. Psalms 1:1 says “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly”. The ungodly means those who are not Christians, it therefore means if you seek counsel from who are not children of God, then you will not be blessed. I’m sure you want God to bless you, so rather than your classmates who are not believer for advice, seek advice from adults whom you are sure are believers. You can also ask the Holy Spirit, He will not mislead you. Know you are not to young to hear from God. Samuel was not yet teenager when God started to speak to him and he to God. So, you are not too young to hear from God.


Whose advice do you follow?


Stand up! Stand up for Jesus,
Ye soldiers of the Cross!
Lift high His royal banner,
It must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory
His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished,
And Christ is Lord indeed.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
The solemn watchword hear;
If while ye sleep he suffers,
Away with shame and fear.
Where’re yeah meet with evil,
Within you or without,
Charge for the God of battles,
And put the foe to rout.

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
Stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you,
Ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armour,
And watching unto prayer;
Where duty calls, or danger,
Be never wanting there.

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
The strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle,
The next the victor’s song.
To him that overcometh
A crown of life shall be;
He with the King of glory
Shall reign eternally.