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Open Heavens for Teens Sunday 9 February 2020 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Topic: Mountain-Top Benefits

MEMORISE: “But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.” – Mark 2:20

READ: Mark 9:28-29

28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?

29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 7-9; Matthew 25:31-46


When it comes to fasting, many teenagers like to count themselves out. What you need to realise is that fasting has many benefits that are not only useful for adults, but also for you as a teenager. Fasting is often described as being on the mountain and one of the many benefits of being on the mountain is that you will be able to see what others cannot see. When you fast, you become sharper spiritually, such that God will reveal certain things to you that others would not know about. He will reveal solutions to problems of many people. Fasting will also help you resist temptations because when you fast, your spirit man is being strengthened while your flesh is weakened.

Please note that fasting is different from hunger strike. If you are not praying and studying your Bible during a fast, then you are on hunger strike and cannot enjoy the benefits of being on a mountain.

Action Point: Mark out a day every week when you will fast.

Hymn 5: Christian, seek not yet repose

  1. Christian, seek not yet repose
    Hear thy gracious Savior say;
    Thou art in the midst of foes:
    Watch and pray.
  2. Principalities and power
    Mustering their unseen array
    Wait for the unguarded hours:
    Watch and pray
  3. Gird the heavenly armor on,
    Wear it ever night and day;
    Ambushed lies the evil one:
    Watch and pray.
  4. Hear the victors who o’ercame,
    Still they mark each warrior’s way;
    All with one sweet voice exclaim,
    Watch and pray.
  5. Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
    Him thou loves to obey;
    Hide within thy heart His word:
    Watch and pray.
  6. Watch, as if on that alone
    Hung the issue of the day;
    Pray, that help may be sent down:
    Watch and pray.