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Open Heaven 6 November 2020 Friday Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Topic: God Thinks About You

Memorise: Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. – Psalm 40:5

Read: Psalm 139:17-18 (KJV)

17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

Bible in One Year: Matthew 24


The sand at the beach is literally uncountable, yet the Lord says His precious thoughts outnumber them (Psalm 139:17-18). That is how much God thinks about you and me. No one else will ever think about you that much – not your spouse, not your child, nobody. Nobody will care about you as much as God – your perfect Heavenly Father – thinks and cares about you. Isn’t that awesome.

You may often hear voices in your head saying “No one is going to marry you, you are such a disaster, you are never going to be successful, you will always be at the same point, this sickness will kill you….” But NO! the devil is a liar! Those are not the thoughts of God about you! He says in Jeremiah 29:11:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

When you are a true child of the living God, He is always with you. In Hebrews 13:5, He says:

“…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

No matter what you may be going through, God is ever with you, able and willing to help. That is why Psalm 46:1 says:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Do you know that as a true child of God you are a friend to Jesus? in John 15:14, He says:

“Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”

Jesus loves you so much that He gave His very life for you. The Bible says in John 15:13 that:

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

The only way you can repay this love of God is to surrender all to Him and continue walking in His will. He thinks a lot about you, don’t disappoint Him.


Isn’t it great to know you are in God’s thoughts and that He wants the best for you always?

Hymn 11: I Am So Glad That Our Father In Heaven

I am so glad that our Father in Heav’n
Tells of His love in the Book He has giv’n;
Wonderful things in the Bible I see,
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.

I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me;
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me.

If I forget Him and wander away,
Still He doth love me wherever I stray;
Back to His dear loving arms would I flee,
When I remember that Jesus loves me.

Oh, if there’s only one song I can sing,
When in His beauty I see the great King,
This shall my song through eternity be,
“Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me!”

Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him;
Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem;
Yes, it was love made Him die on the tree;
Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me!

If one should ask of me, how can I tell?
Glory to Jesus, I know very well!
God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
Constantly witnessing Jesus loves me.

In this assurance I find sweetest rest,
Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blest;
Satan, dismayed, from my soul now doth flee,
When I just tell him that Jesus loves me.


Our daily declaration during the period of fasting and prayer.

  1. Nigeria; you will arise and shine again, for thy light is come.
  2. All Prophesies of glory about Nigeria shall come to fulfilment in Jesus name.
  3. I will eat the good of the land of Nigeria in Jesus name.
  4. When the glory of Nigeria shall appear I and my family shall not disappear.
  5. I thank you father for your good plan for Nigeria and answer to our prayers.




More than ever before in our nation’s history, we are in a time when the church in Nigeria is being intimidated and threatened for preaching the gospel. Let us look up to God as the early Christians did


  1. Father: We thank you for been our help in ages past and our hope for the years to come.
  2. Father we will never and ever be ungrateful to you for your kindness in answers to our prayers.
  3. We plead for mercy, in all areas of our short comings and trespasses as a church. Let the blood of Jesus avail for us in Jesus name
  4. Father; we are tired of the valley, revive and take your church in Nigeria to the mountain top. Hos 6:1-3
  5. We receive afresh upon your church in Nigeria spirit of love, power and of sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
  6. Father, establish your church in righteousness that we may not be intimidated by the enemy. Prov 28:1
  7. The disciples of old were forbidding from preaching the gospel, but they overcame. Father; deliver us from every forms of harassment. Acts 4:18
  8. Father give your church the courage to speak and declare the testimony of Jesus without fear Acts 4:20
  9. Father; in the face of threat from terrorists, kidnappers, and ritualists, let your Church begin to wax stronger and progress in Jesus name
  10. Father put an end to the reign of terror in Nigeria
  11. Father; deliver all those in the captivity of terrorists by fire in Jesus name
    12.Father; Cause a revival in your church, to love righteousness and hate iniquity. 1 Tim 6:11
    13.Father pour thy grace and blessings upon us, and make your church farer above the world Psa 45:2
    14.O most mighty Father repositions your church in the place of power to show forth your glory and majesty. Ps. 45:3
    15.Father let your church ride in prosperity because of truth, meekness and righteousness. Ps. 45:4
    16.Father Let the enemy of your Church in Nigeria be subdued Ps. 45:5
    17.In unity there is strength. Father let there be unity amongst different denominations and churches in Nigeria
    18.Father; In the current wave of persecutions of the church in Nigeria, let all things work together for church growth in Jesus name. Acts 11:19
    19.Father; let as many Christians that terrorism has scattered away from their domain be gathered and restored in Jesus name.
    20.Father; restore those whose homes have been destroyed who are now in IDPs camps.