DAY 43– Tuesday, February 22th, 2022
BIBLE TEXT: Joe 2:32, Oba 1:17, Rom 10:13
For every man to get to his/her place in destiny, must overcome certain obstacles. Most of those barriers are spiritual, Eph 6:12. Our God is a man of war that fights for and protects his own. It’s time to wage war in prayers.
- Father, I thank you for fighting my battles and keeping me alive till this moment. Exo 14:14.
- Father, thank you for all visible and invisible battles you have fought for me in the past.
- Father, thank you for not allowing the fire, water, troubles and battles of life to consume in Jesus name. Isa 43:2, 16
- Father, in your mercies forgive me of all inherited sins and iniquities, all known and unknown sins in Jesus name
- Father, arise in your power and roll away every reproach of my life in Jesus name. Josh5:9
- Father, let every power working day and night against my greatness be consume by fire.
- Father, by your fire, settle me today in Jesus name. (pray this 7 times)
- Father, you are the potter of my life, let your powers that make a nobody to become relevant in life fall upon me.
- Father, you are the consuming fire, fire of God consumes every anti harvest power in my life in Jesus name.
- Father in your mightiness destroy every Glory polluter in my life in Jesus name
11.Father, sow in me today the seed to be great in life in Jesus name.
12.Father, let me receive the secret to succeed and make it in Jesus name
13.Father, in the name of Jesus, I destroy every effects of satanic family customs, traditions, covenants, captivity working against my progress in Jesus name. Jer 35:6, 7
14.Father, connect me to the people that has the solution to my problems in Jesus name. Exo 18:14
15.Father, thank you for my deliverance. I am free in Jesus name. John 8:36
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