612-298-7743 [email protected]



Every nation under God has the right to live a good life. Any nation that fails to acknowledge the supremacy of God will soon go into extinction.


  1. Father thank you for all your assistance as a nation in Jesus name.
  2. Father, we thank you as nation of people who trust in you for our supplies.
  3. Father, please pardon our shot comings as a nation, particularly the sin of eating what you have not ordained for us in Jesus name. Genesis 2:16
  4. Father; be our sufficiency in our national life in Jesus name. Phil 4:19
  5. Father, help every citizen of our nation to depend on you for their provision in Jesus name. Matthew 6:26
  6. Father, please bring your people out of lack into abundance, let our land experience a change for good in Jesus name. Psalm 34:10, 81:10
  7. Father, in your mercy, supply our needs in Jesus name. Genesis 3:21
  8. Father, see us through these times of difficulty and bring us to our promise land in Jesus name. Exodus 14:22
  9. Father, you are merciful father, please help us to overcome all challenges of lack and want in Jesus name. Job 38:41
  10. Father, just as you did for our nation when all hopes were lost during the civil war, please surprise this land again in Jesus name. Genesis 22:14
  11. Father, by your divine power, please move this nation forward in Jesus name,2 Peter 1:3
  12. Father, open the window of heaven over this nation for the sake of the elect in Jesus name. Malachi 3:10
  13. Father, we have no power of our own, we cry to you, please bring rest to this nation in Jesus name. Matthew 11:28
  14. Father, let the season of harvest begin in this land in Jesus name. Genesis 8:22
  15. Father, arise and let the oppressors of your people begin to eat their flesh and be drinking their own blood in Jesus name, Isaiah 49:26
  16. Father, arise and overturn, overturn and overturn until the oppressors are no more in Jesus name, Eze. 21:27.
  17. Father, for your name sake arise and deliver the economy of this land from the hands of the wicked in Jesus name, Isaiah 37:35.
  18. Father, arise and completely destroy both internal and external oppressors of our nation in Jesus name
  19. Father, dethrone and arrest every evil political leader that is enthrone for the purpose of enslaving citizens of this nation. 1 Sam. 15:28.
  20. Father in the name of Jesus, remove evil representatives from all leadership position in this nation. 1st Sam. 16:1