612-298-7743 [email protected]



BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 28:18-20, MARK 16:15-18


Evangelism is the preaching of gospel to people who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour.


  1. Father; I thank you for saving me in other to save others in the name of Jesus. Eph. 2:8-9
  2. Oh Lord, we proclaim your name among nations and your deeds. Psa 105:5.
  3. Lord, you said that those who win souls are wise, help me to be among the wise that win souls in Jesus name. Proverb 11:30
  4. Father, help us to break new grounds in evangelism, frustrate the effort of the anti-Christ in Jesus name. (Please pray this until you are satisfied).
  5. Father, cause all your people in Nigeria to become willing in wining souls in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 6:8
  6. Father, may we never close our mouth, but to tell people what you have done in Jesus Name. Isaiah 12:4
  7. Father, help us to always turn to you and to teach people to turn to you at all times in Jesus name. Isaiah 45:22
  8. Father, let your word have its rightful place in the hearts of all Nigerians in Jesus name. Prov. 21:1.
  9. Father, disappoint the devices of the crafty let not their hands perform their enterprise as touching to soul wining, in Jesus name. Job 5:12
  10. Father, let every evil hand against evangelism and soul wining in our nation be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Col. 2:14, 2cor. 10:5
  11. Oh Lord uproot every evil thing in our nation that is hindering evangelism in thy name of Jesus. Matthew 15:13
  12. Let spiritual and physical wickedness in Nigeria standing against soul wining be terminated now in Jesus name.
  13. Father, revoke every decree against evangelism and soul winning in our nation in the name of Jesus. Matthew 18:18, Psalm 44:5.
  14. Every gate that is standing against evangelism and soul wining in Nigeria be opened in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 26:2, Psalm 24:7.
  15. Every strong man in our nation Nigeria that is standing against evangelism and soul wining be bound in Jesus name. Mark 3:27
  16. Oh Lord, empower our nation to resist every opposition against evangelism and soul wining in Jesus name. James 4:7, 1Cor. 16:9.
  17. Oh Lord, deliver our nation from the hand of the liars through evangelism and soul wining in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 7:8, Eph. 4:25.
  18. We destroy by fire every evil altar resisting evangelism and soul wining in Nigeria, in Jesus name. 1 Kings 13:5
  19. Oh lord, restore and renew the strength of soul wining and evangelism in Nigeria in Jesus name. Isaiah 40:1
  20. Oh Lord, frustrate every government legislation working against evangelism and soul winning in Nigeria in Jesus name.