612-298-7743 [email protected]


BIBLE TEXT(s): Deut 28:12, Daniel 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov 18:9

Every time we hear about record of unemployment and job plans. People want to work but can’t find any jobs. Those employed or running a business are not doing well, nothing to show that you are gainfully employed. Ecc 5:18. We need to pray our jobs and lives into fruitfulness


  1. Let us thank God for been alive, only the living can work.
  2. Lord arise and deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their lives.
  3. Oh Lord open my eyes and show me the secrets to make wealth, in Jesus name.
  4. Father I refuse to serve those that are supposed to be serving me, in Jesus name.
  5. Father connect me to those that will lift me up, in Jesus name.
  6. You raised king-makers for Uzziah, Oh Lord raise king makers for me and (children name) in Jesus name.
  7. Lord every power making it difficult for me to get a good job, be disgraced out of my life in Jesus name.
  8. Father I command into my life, divine connection that is bigger than my age, my family’s name, my qualification, in Jesus name.
  9. You devil, in the name of Jesus, loose your grip over my career, destiny, business, academics, qualifications in Jesus name.
  10. Lord I refuse to be disqualified when I applied for any job in Jesus name.
  11. Father, you are the source of productivity, l hides in you; help me to be productive in my career in Jesus name.
  12. Father, in my career help me to be faithful, for it is required of a steward to be found faithful in Jesus name. 1 Cor. 4:2.
  13. Father, help me to pursue my career according to your standard for the glory of Your name in Jesus name Col. 3:17, 23.
  14. Father, in my entire career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first in the name of Jesus. Matt. 6: 33.
  15. Father, help me to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to disconnect me in Jesus name John. 15:5.
  16. Father, in this evil day, please strengthen me to walk wisely making the best use of my time in Jesus name Phil 4:13, Eph. 1:5.
  17. Father make me a financial pillar in Jesus name
  18. Father please change my story from lack to abundance in Jesus name
  19. Father please by your speed, open the door of my financial break througwh h
  20. Power sponsoring debt, poverty into my life catch fire in Jesus name.