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BIBLE TEXT(S): ISAIAH 43:18-21, REV 5:21

By prophesy, we look for a nation where the name of God is exalted above any other name, where equality, justice and fear of God will be the foundation of unprecedented developmental growth that places us ahead of others.


  1. Let us thank God for making this nation a great nation. Psalm 67
  2. Father; we thank you for your goodness, mercy and divine provision in this nation in Jesus name. Psalm 67
  3. Father arise and hasten the emergence of a new nation in Jesus name
  4. Father crush every obstacles and hindrance to the emergence of the new nation in Jesus name. 1Thes 2:18
  5. Father; Judge everyone saying over their dead bodies will the new nation emerge in Jesus name. 1Sam 17:51,
  6. Father we declare that this nation will be dependable, reliable true and trustworthy in Jesus name. Rev 5:21
  7. Father by the blood of Jesus and the power in the name of Jesus, forgive us, every sin of our past and living ancestors, parents, leaders hindering the birth of a new nation in Jesus name. Exo 34:7, Num 14:8
  8. Father; raise builders (Zech 1:20-21) that will make the emergence of the new nation possible in Jesus name
  9. Father raise divine Nehemiah(s) that will rebuild the ruined walls and cities of our nations for the emergence of a new land in Jesus name. Neh 2:5
  10. Father; As in new birth, don’t allow my blood and family to be use as sacrifice in the birthing of the new nation in Jesus name. Isaiah 21:3
  11. Father let the new nation where our children, lives, business, churches, etc. will be safe and secures emerge in Jesus name. Rev 5:21
  12. Father, frustrate any power that want to frustrate your purpose for this nation in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, disappoint all the agents of division in our nation in Jesus Name.
  14. Father, let this nation become the epic centre of development in the whole world in Jesus Name.
  15. Father, let your fear be our guiding principle in this new this nation.
  16. Father, let every form of oppression and suppression disappear from this nation in Jesus Name.
  17. Father; Let wickedness and corruption come to an end in Jesus name.
  18. Father, let all the citizens of this land submit to you and seek your face continually in Jesus Name. (2Chro. 7:14).
  19. Father, please let your goodness and mercy abide in this country, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6
  20. All demons in charge of killings, rituals and accidents in this nation, fade away in Jesus name. Psalms 18:44-45,