Open Heavens for Teens Thursday 7 May 2020 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Topic: Use Every Platform
Memorise: “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.” – Psalms 105:1
Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-2
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Bible In One Year: 1 Kings 14: 1-31; 15:1-34; John 1:1-52
A few years ago, I was given an award in the University of Ibadan, Nigerian. It wasn’t a religious setting as there were many ‘big’ men and women in attendance. When I was called up for the award, I was expected to just say “thank you” and return to my seat but in my thank you message, I said “I really appreciate this award. I am also eagerly waiting for the ultimate award ceremony on the last day. It will be a glorious one when everyone will receive their rewards based on how they lived here on earth. I hope you are honoured and not disgraced on that day”. I had used that short message to tell them about heaven and hell.
Some time ago, I was also invited to preach at the wedding of a President with many influential people in attendance. Though it is uncommon to make an altar call at wedding ceremonies, I did and many people gave their lives to Christ.
Whatever platform you get to speak to people, preach the gospel to them. In fact, the bigger the platform, the more excited you should be to share the gospel. Is a post you made on social media going viral and bringing traffic to your page? Quickly put up a message about Christ there. Use every opportunity you have to preach the gospel.
Reflection: Can you preach the gospel anywhere and in front of anybody?
Hymn 15: O spread the tidings ’round
1.O spread the tidings ’round,
Wherever man is found,
Wherever human hearts and
Human woes abound.
Let every Christian tongue
Proclaim the joyful sound:
The Comforter has come!
The Comforter has come!
The Comforter has come!
The Holy Ghost from heav’n,
The Father’s Promise giv’n,
O spread the tidings ’round,
Wherever man is found:
The Comforter has come!
2.The long, long night is past;
The morning breaks at last;
And hushed the dreadful wail
And fury of the blast,
As o’er the golden hills
The day advances fast!
The Comforter has come!
3.Lo, the great Kings of Kings,
With healing in His wings,
To every captive soul a full
Deliv’rance brings;
And thro’ the vacant cells
The song of triumph rings;
The Comforter has come!
4.O boundless love divine!
How shall this tongue of mine
To wond’ring mortals tell
The matchless grace divine-
That I, a child of hell,
Should in His image shine?
The Comforter has come!
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