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Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens Sunday 28 June 2020

1.I worship and adore You, my Father, for it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of You that sheweth mercy.

2.Thank You, Father, for where You started with me, for where I am, and for where You are taking me.

3.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus name.

4.Father, destroy every spirit of laziness, lukewarmness and procrastination in my life, in Jesus name.

5.Father, please, release upon me the spirit of diligence and profitable hard work, in Jesus name.

6.Father, empower me to execute my divine assignments with care, vigour, consistency and timely, in Jesus name.

7.Father, give me the grace to preach Your word in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, and exhorting, with all longsuffering and doctrine, in Jesus name.

8.Father, please, grant me the divine enablement to win souls into Your kingdom, and crown all my ministerial efforts with success, in Jesus name.

9.Father, please, grant me the grace and the enablement to achieve Your purpose for my life, and fulfil my destiny, in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ.

10.Father, bless your son, Pastor E.A.Adeboye; please, empower him to finish well and strong, in Jesus name.

11.Father, bless Your son, that You have been using to prepare these prayer points, beyond measures, and all those who have been rebroadcasting them, in Jesus name.

12.Father, let every challenge, hindrance and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus name.

13.Your Personal petitions. (Philippians 4:6)

14.In Jesus name I pray. (John 14:13-14; 15:16)

15.Thank you Father for answered prayers. (1 Thessalonians 5:18).