BIBLE TEXT: Ps. 136:1-end.

Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God in appreciation of what God has done in our lives. When we thank God for what he has done, he will be moved to do more God will do more for us as we thank him in Jesus name


  1. Father, I praise you because you are gracious in Jesus name. Ps. 116:2
  2. Father, I praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  3. Father, I praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Ps.145:8-9
  4. Father, thank you for creating me in your image and likeness in Jesus name. Gen. 1:26-28.
  5. Father, thank you for giving me power of dominion over all creations in Jesus name. Gen.1:28.
  6. Father, thank you for declaring me good after creating me in Jesus name. Gen.1:31
  7. Father, thank you for not allowing me to be lonely after creation in Jesus name. Gen.2:18
  8. Father, thank you for the forgiveness of all my sins by your mercy in Jesus name. Lam.3:22
  9. Father, thank you for renewing your mercy every morning over my life in Jesus name. Lam.3:22-23.
  10. Father, thank you for the grace to sleep and to Wake up every morning in Jesus name. Ps. 3:5.
  11. Father thank you for the gift of salvation for mankind of which I am a beneficiary in Jesus name. Jn.3:16-18.
  12. Father, thank you for drawing me to Jesus your only begotten son in Jesus name. Jn.14:6, 3:27.
  13. Father, thank you for my sanctification in Jesus name. 2Thes.2:13
  14. Father, thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus name
  15. Father, thank you for divine protection over me and my family in Jesus name. Ps.91:1-3

BIBLE TEXT: Psalms 51:1-end

INTRODUCTION: God in His infinite mercy sent his only son Jesus Christ to die at the cross of Calvary in atonement for our sin. Therefore, as many as will confess and forsake their sins the Lord is ready to forgive by his mercy. Let us therefore cry for mercy and forgiveness.


  1. Father, i praise you because you are gracious in Jesus name. Ps.. 116:2.
  2. My father in heaven, i praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus.1Cor.1:30
  3. Father, i praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Ps. 145:8-9
  4. Father, have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins in Jesus name. Rom.9:15.
  5. Father, in wrath remember mercy over me in Jesus name. Hab 3:2
  6. Father, have mercy on me and forgive all my iniquities in Jesus name. Ps.51:9
  7. Father, let your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life in Jesus name. Ps.23:6
  8. Father, I confess my sins without hiding anyone from you, and I forsake them all,let me obtain your mercy and total forgiveness in Jesus name. Pro 28:13.
  9. Father, as I cry unto you hear the voice of my supplication and show me your mercy in Jesus name. Ps.28:2.
  10. Father, with you there is forgiveness, forgive me oh Lord the sins of my fathers in Jesus name Ps.130:4.
  11. Father, mercy and forgiveness belong to you, have mercy and forgive me my sins in Jesus name. Dan.9:9.
  12. Father, in your mercy cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus in Jesus name. Heb.9:12
  13. Father, let your mercy be available for me to set me free from where the judgement of the enemies has tied me in Jesus name
  14. Father, have mercy on me and forgive me all the errors I have committed in your Church in Jesus name.
  15. Father, in your mercy, forgive everyone that will attend this year’s annual convention so that we can receive our miracles in Jesus name.

BIBLE TEXT: Psalms 91:1-end.

INTRODUCTION: He will not suffer thy foot to be moved, he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.The Lord is thy keeper, the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night .The Lord shall preserve thee from all evils he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever 121:3-8


  1. Father, I praise you because you are gracious in Jesus name. Ps. 116 :2
  2. My father in heaven, i praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  3. Father, i praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Ps. 145:8-9
  4. Father, thank you for your mercy upon your beloved son Pastor E A Adeboye.Lam.3:22
  5. Father, thank you for your call upon your son Pastor E A Adeboye in Jesus name. Jer.1:5
  6. Father, thank you for anointing your son Pastor E A Adeboye so powerfully and for making him a blessing to this generation in Jesus name
  7. Father, thank you for using your son Pastor E A Adeboye for the spread of the gospel through your Church RCCG to over 200 nations of the world in Jesus name. Math.28:18-20
  8. Father, thank you for our mother in isreal Pastor Mrs Folu. Adeboye for the support she is giving to the ministry of your son Pastor E A Adeboye in Jesus name
  9. Father, thank you for the divine support and provision you are rendering to your son Pastor E A Adeboye in Jesus name .Phil.4:19.
  10. Father, thank you for protecting your son Pastor E A Adeboye and his family in Jesus name .ps. 91:1-3
  11. Father, thank you for making your son Pastor E A Adeboye and family for signs and for wonders in Jesus name. Isa. 8:18.
  12. Father, thank you for standing firmly by your son Pastor E A Adeboye and his family at this period in Jesus name. Isa.40:1
  13. Father, thank you for encouraging and strengthening your son Pastor E A Adeboye and his family at this period in Jesus name
  14. Father by your sure mercy of David help your son Pastor E A Adeboye to finish well and finish strong in Jesus name Isa 55:3-4.
  15. Father, by your mercy help your son Pastor E A Adeboye to fight a good fight, to finish his course and to keep the faith to the very end in Jesus name. 2.Tim.4:7.

BIBLE TEXT: 1Pet 5:3, 1Tim 2:7, 1:7, Num 3:3 & 6, Exo 40:13 & 15.

Every minister of God needs encouragement and support in the place of prayer, we should engage ourselves in this warfare for our ministers by holding our hands throughout the prayer section and cry in unity to God for our ministers.


  1. Father, i praise You because You are gracious in Jesus name. Ps. 116:2
  2. My father in heaven, i praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  3. Father, i praise You for You are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Ps.145:8-9
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for all the pastors in RCCG for your call over their lives and their ministry in Jesus name.
  5. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercies that is new every morning for all pastors in RCCG. Lam 3:2-3
  6. Father, in the name of Jesus, strengthen all pastors in RCCG to keep watch over their flocks. Luk 2:8
  7. Father, in the name of Jesus, use all RCCG pastors as instruments of deliverance. Joel 2:32, Amos 3:12, Eze 34:10
  8. Father, in the name of Jesus, give RCCG pastors burden for soul winning and flocks under them especially the lost sheep. Jer 50:6
  9. Father, in the name of Jesus, anoint all RCCG pastors with your grace and mercy to gather your flocks in Jesus name. Jer 31:10
  10. Father, in the name of Jesus, give RCCG pastors the heart to feed the flock with knowledge and understanding in Jesus name

11.Father, let every satanic altar erected against your pastors and church be demolished by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Num 23:1-2.

  1. Father, arise, encourage and heal all discouraged, wounded and backslidden
    ministers and pastors to continue strong in Jesus name, 1Sam 30:1-18
  2. Father, empower the Pastors to preach the word of God without diluting it in Jesus name. 2Tim. 4:2
  3. Father, give our pastors boldness to stand as correctors to the flock with the word of God in Jesus name. 2Tim. 3:16-17.
  4. Father, thank you for all the ministers of God in RCCG, all over the world and for your call over them.

BIBLE TEXT(S): Ps. 133:1-3, Heb 13:1, Gen 11:4-5, Jn 17:21, Mat 12:25.

If the church of Jesus Christ must operate positively and successfully in this end times, she must be united in serious prayer continually, there must be love and unity. It is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity.


  1. Father, i praise you because you are gracious in Jesus name. Ps. 116:2.
  2. My Father in heaven, i praise You because You are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1Cor.1:30
  3. Father, i praise You for You are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Ps.145:8-9
  4. Father, thank You for your love and faithfulness towards Your church in Jesus name. Ps. 92:1
  5. Father, i repent of all our sins of strife, enmity, un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment. Please Father have mercy on your church in Jesus name. Ps. 86:3
  6. Father, release Your warring angel to break down every denominational wall dividing the body of Christ in Jesus name. Eph. 2:14
  7. Father, paralyze every power of disunity in Your church and let Your spirit bind us together in Jesus name Eph. 4:13
  8. Father, every gate of disunity militating against Your church, let them collapse in Jesus name 1Corin. 3:4
  9. Father, by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in the body of Christ in Jesus name

10.Father, please let there be unity and oneness in your church in Jesus name. Ps. 133:1

11.Father, let Your church speak with one voice in Jesus name Act 2:1 12.Oh God arise and let all the enemies of Your church be scattered in Jesus
name. Ps. 68:1.

13.Father, in this season of trials and persecution of Your church, the gate of hell will not prevail in Jesus name.Math.16:18.

14.Every arrow of disunity fired against Your church from the pit of hell, back to your sender, in Jesus name.

15.Let the troublers of the RCCG be put to shame in Jesus name. 1 Chro. 2:7

BIBLE TEXT: Gen 12:1-5, John 21:15-17, Gen 18:16-19, 22:9-19, Mat. 28:18-20

A minister is one who is called out, Ordained and commissioned into the mission field to save the lost, to reach out to the unsaved and to depopulate the kingdom of darkness. He is a fearless and dogged individual because he knows his God.


  1. Thank God for all the missionaries in active service, who are obeying the call of the Lord Ps 144:1-2
  2. Father,strengthen them with the spirit of wisdom, discernment and quick understanding in Jesus name. Isa 11:2-3

3.Father, shield them from distraction, reproach, accusation, intense persecution and deprivation in Jesus name. Ps 69:5-9

  1. Father, may they be greatly taught by you; never tired of learning and hearing from you from time to time in Jesus name. Isa 54:13 John 15:1-5, Prov. 29:18
  2. Father, protect them against illness, injury and danger in Jesus. Ps121:8
  3. Father, let them render their services with joy; discerning the lies of the enemy and never patronizing discouragement in Jesus name. Ps 126:5-6
  4. Father we pray for perseverance and strength to finish strong in Jesus name. Isa 40:31
  5. Father, send them divine destiny helpers in Jesus name Ps 23:1
  6. Oh Lord create an easy passage in all the mission field; let no gate be locked against them for easy soul winning in Jesus name Ps 24:7-8

10.Father, let the spirit of discouragement, disappointment, fear and doubt projected to their minds receive your arrow in Jesus name. Ps 112:6-7

11.Father, open heaven for divine provision over their family and ministry in Jesus name. Phil.4:19

12.Father,let the anointing for great achievement rest upon them in Jesus Name. Matt 16:18-19

13.Father, never allow them to compromise their faith in Jesus Name. Rom 12:1-2

14.Father, let your light illuminates through them and terminate every darkness and oppression of Satan as they share Jesus Love in Jesus name.
Isa 61:1

15.Father, we pray that the presence of God will be made manifest in and through their lives with evidence of your covenant in Jesus name Jer 31:31

BIBLE TEXT: Psa 99:9. Psa 119:9, 1Tim 4:4-5, 1Pet 1:15-16 INTRODUCTION: Being Made Holy like Christ, set apart, justified, consecrated,
separated from evil and dedicated unto God.


  1. Father,thank for given me the grace to be holy as you are Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:16, 1thesi 4:7
  2. Father, help me to subdue every fleshly manifestations of sin in my body by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus name 1 Cor 9:27
  3. Father help and compel us to constantly read and study your word in Jesus Name Josh 1;8, 2 Tim 2;15
  4. Father, make me to be a carrier of your power for exploit and signs and wonders to this dying generation in Jesus name. Isai.8:18, Rev 7:12-17
  5. Father, help me to hear and abide by your words in Jesus Name.
  6. Father, help me to do away with every sin that easily besets me in Jesus.
  7. Father, purge my life from every filthiness in Jesus Name.
  8. Father,let every uncleanness in my life die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  9. Fsther let every power that wants to destroy me with any form of immorality die by fire in Jesus Name.

10.Father, I receive the fear of the Lord into my life to make me walk in the wisdom of God in the name of Jesus Prov 9:10

11.Father let the Holy Spirit give me the auction to function without compromise in the name of Jesus Acts 2:1-7. Rom 12:1-2

12.Father, I receive grace to present my body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God in Jesus Name. Rom12:1

13.Father, help me to put on the new man and be like you in Jesus Name.Eph 4:24

14.Father, let your word guide me to live a holy life all the days of my life in Jesus Name Ps 119:105

  1. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers in the name of Jesus