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Open Heaven For Teens Monday 19 July 2021 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

TOPIC: He Reveals Secrets

MEMORISE: The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. Psalms 25:14

READ: Daniel 1:8

8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Daniel 2:22:
22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 28-30, Acts 21:1-40


God is the custodian of secrets and He decides whom to reveal them to. The only condition for choosing who to reveal His thoughts is that such a fellow must fear and reverence Him. Sometimes, He reveals secrets as a form of warning against an impending danger or as an avenue to bless someone.

Daniel was one of the young boys taken into captivity from Judah to Babylon. There, he had no parent or guardian to monitor him, yet, he refused to defile himself and was committed to God. His commitment made him a custodian of divine secrets through dreams and their interpretation. God revealed many things to him about the kingdom, the king and eternity. Daniel lived a consecrated life and became one of the highest political office holders in Babylon. Who says you cannot be the greatest in your country or another mans land? However, for this to happen, you have to fear God, then, He will reveal hidden things to you.

KEY POINT: When you fear God, He will reveal secrets to you.

HYMN: All To Jesus I Surrender

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow;
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame;
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!