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Open Heavens for Teens Tuesday 6 August 2019 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Topic: Be Thankful

Memorise: “Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” – Psalms 106:1

Read: Psalms 100:4

4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Bible In One Year: Psalm 78, Romans 7


Several years ago, at the end of the year, I was praying when I told God “Lord, I will tell your children during the cross over service that you are a good God and you give me plenty of blessings, but between me and you, we know that you did not do anything good for me this year”. I continued praying this way when God responded. He said “Son, how many times did you travel this year?” I said “I can’t count” then He said “How many times did you have an accident?” I responded “No time”. “How many times did you or your family members fall sick?”I said “a number of times” “Did anyone die from such sicknesses?” He asked. “No”. “How many times did you sleep this year?” He queried. “Every night” I answered, “Did you ever die in your sleep?” I quickly interrupted Him because I had been accusing Him wrongly. I realised that He had done a whole lot for me, but I was being an ingrate.

Are you also guilty of accusing God wrongly? Have you thanked God for the seemingly small things that He has been doing for you? Those small things matter far more than the big things we usually consider. Imagine if you did not wake up from sleep this morning, will the question of a fine cloth to wear be an issue?

Prayer Point: Lord, I am sorry for not being thankful enough.

Hymn 12: Let us with a gladsome mind 

1. Let us with a gladsome mind 

Praise the Lord for He is kind:


For His mercies shall endure,

ever faithful, ever sure.

2. God, with all-commanding might,

Filled the new-made world with light:

3. All things living He doth feed;

His full hand supplies their need:

4. Let us then with gladsome mind 

Praise the Lord, for He is kind: