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Teens Open Heaven 1 Monday October 2018 Daily Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Topic: Problem-Coated Miracles

Memorise: Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Psalm 60:11

Read: Psalm 125:1-2 (KJV)

Bible In One Year: Isaiah 22-23, Ephesians 3


A mountain could be a miracle hidden in a problem wrapper. Many times when God wants to give you a big testimony, He allows a large-sized problem. But when you focus too much on the wrapper, you will miss the real content underneath.
That problem you think is so great that you believe will sink you has come to deliver your greatest victory. There is surely something miraculous underneath any problem you are facing. But you have to stop looking at the wrapper and God and what His Word says. It may be your parents, siblings or friends facing the problem; encourage them to focus on God and they will see the problem unwrap itself to give way to their miracles. All things work together for the good of them that love God and are called by His name, but note that you must first love God and be called by His name; that is, be called a child of God.

Action Point: Ask God to open your eyes to see the hidden content of every problem. Ask Him for the grace to focus on Him rather than on the problem.

Hymn 16: Christian, seek not yet repose

1. Christian, seek not yet repose
Hear thy gracious Savior say;
Thou art in the midst of foes:
Watch and pray.

2. Principalities and power
Mustering their unseen array
Wait for the unguarded hours:
Watch and pray

3. Gird the heavenly armor on,
Wear it ever night and day;
Ambushed lies the evil one:
Watch and pray.

4. Hear the victors who o’ercame,
Still they mark each warriors’s way;
All with one sweet voice exclaim,
Watch and pray.

5. Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
Him thou loves to obey;
Hide within thy heart His word:
Watch and pray.

6. Watch, as if on that alone
Hung the issue of the day;
Pray, that help may be sent down:
Watch and pray.