612-298-7743 [email protected]

DAY 23 – Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022


BIBLE TEXT: Deut. 28:7, Mat 16:18

The church globally needs to be awake to curb every satanic wile against the
gospel today. 1Pet 5:8.


  1. Father, I thank you for your protection upon your church in Jesus name. Mat 16:18
  2. Father l come against the spirit of fear programmed to put your church globally in bondage in Jesus name. 2Ti 1:7
  3. Father, empower your church globally with the spirit of boldness to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil in Jesus name. Prov. 3:26
  4. Father restore the glory of your church all over the world in Jesus name. Exo 40:34-35
  5. Father, we receive every good thing the enemy has stolen from the church in Jesus name. Job 20:15
  6. Father, we receive grace afresh from above as a church to put on the whole armour of God in the name of Jesus. Eph 6:11
  7. Father, help your church to stand against spiritual wickedness in high places globally in Jesus name. Eph. 6: 12
  8. Father, restore your righteousness in your church worldwide in Jesus name. Deu 6:25, Psa 11:7
  9. Father, we paralyses every satanic onslaught plotted against our mind as a church in Jesus name. Jas 4:7, Prov 4:23

10.Father, let as many that have health challenges in all our churches receive the healing of God in Jesus name. Psa 6:2, Jer 17:14

11.Father let every satanic onslaught against all families globally be cancelled in Jesus name.

12.Father let every power assigned to waste the resources of the church of God globally be consumed by fire in Jesus name. Isa 54:17

13.Father let there be peace in all nations of the world in Jesus name. Col 3:15

14.Father, grant all our Brethren in RCCG worldwide the grace to discern the plans of the wicked against the church in Jesus name.

15.Father grant your church globally total victory over every satanic agenda in Jesus name.